
Say good bye to 2020

This year is concluding with mortgage rates at record lows and our local real estate market accelerating to new highs.   This trend is expected to continue well into 2021 and I’m committed to keeping you regularly updated throughout the year. It should be an exciting year and I look forward to helping you all save money and reach your real estate goals.  Whether it’s selling, buying or financing; I’ll be there to help and give you my 100%.

 “Sometimes, a flame can be utterly extinguished.  Sometimes, a flame can shrink and waver, but sometimes a flame refuses to go out.  It flares up from the faintest ember to illuminate the darkness, to burn in spite of overwhelming odds.”  Karen Hesse

I wish all of you a very special Holiday season and the very best for the upcoming New Year.

November 2020 - Latest Market Update


Second Busiest October on Record

Metro Vancouver home sales last month was the second busiest October on record.  Activity since the Spring has remained at record levels.  

“Home has been a focus for residents during the pandemic. With more days and evenings spent at home this year, people are re-thinking their housing situation," Colette Gerber, REBGV Chair said. 

Although the number of listings is up 37% from last October they are 13% lower from last month.   The inventory of homes for sale remains constrained and this combined with the increase in sales has pushed prices upwards.  Since last year the benchmark price of detached homes are up 8.5% and apartment and townhomes benchmark prices up 4.4% and 5.4% respectively.  In Toronto similar results have occurred and prices of detached homes have soared as homeowners are moving away from small apartment space.   

It’s not just the pandemic and constrained inventory levels causing the surge in real estate.  The record low interest rates are also having a huge impact.  It wasn’t that long ago that a 5 year fixed rate was near 4% compared now with the rate as low as 1.80%.  It’s even lower in some circumstances.  The economic growth in our Country is projected to remain challenged and as a result the Bank of Canada recently announced that they expect to keep rates this low until 2023.  

Need funds but the bank said no.  Private first and second mortgages are easily available.   You can access up to 85% of your home’s equity. 

September 2020 - Latest Market Update


Mortgage Rates Fall To Record Lows

Mortgage rates continue to fall and have now reached new record lows.  Five year fixed rates are as low as 1.73% for insured deals and 1.81% for uninsured deals.  Variable rates are also under 2%.  Last Wednesday the Bank of Canada made it clear that they intend to keep rates are low as necessary to help the Canadian economy recover from the impact of Covid19.   There has not been a better time in decades to consider re-negotiating your mortgage.  Although qualifying is not the easiest the opportunity to lock into a fantastic deal is worth the effort. 


Mortgage rates are not the only thing on fire these days.  The real estate market continues to accelerate with increased sales and higher prices but that being said this is primarily being experienced in the detached home market.  Detached homes across lower mainland listed under $2million are selling fast and in many cases with multiple bidders.  Greater Vancouver saw the second best July on record and August wasn’t much different.   If you need to sell the timing is great.  Price your home smartly and it will sell fast.  

Not everything is so rosy.  Certain market segments have not done so well.  Condo re- sales are moderate and pre-sales are down significantly this year.  This moderation has also pushed down rental rates and increased vacancies.  This may be a temporary trend until we see the employment and our economy recover from the impact of the pandemic.  Conditions can change quickly and I recommend to all my clients to review your financial well-being before these opportunities evaporate. 

Need funds but the bank said no.  Private first and second mortgages are easily available.   You can access up to 85% of your home’s equity. 

July 2020 - Latest Market Update


Mortgage Rates Pushing Record Lows

The effects of the pandemic have sent mortgage rates down and are nearing record low levels. Five year fixed rates are just above 2% and variables are being offered under 2%. These are rates I haven’t seen in a very long time.  On Wednesday the bank of Canada kept the overnight lending rate at 0.25% and noted that the economic outlook in Canada is uncertain if not bleak.   There has been improvement here and around the world but this will not be enough to prevent an estimated 8% contraction in Canada this year.  This will likely extend the period of low interest rates which are not expected to rise until the middle of 2021.  We have already been experiencing a rebound in the local real estate but these low rates should provide a further boost to our Housing market.  This of course doesn’t mean getting a fully discounted mortgage is easy.  The lending criteria for a prime rate deal continue to be very tight and banks are often looking for reasons not to lend.  Although banks have touted how they have helped consumers by providing clients the option to defer their payments, they failed to inform the borrowers that deferrals can prevent you getting an approval for a refinance.  Good thing that not all banks are the same.  Some lenders are not penalizing clients for deferring their mortgage payments and many borrowers are having success accessing cheap money.  Don’t wait to consider a refinance.  It’s an opportune time to review your financial situation and save money.  

We make it easy for borrowers.  You can apply online with an easy one page application; supporting documentation can be emailed, you can sign your paperwork electronically and the lawyers I work with can sign you up over Zoom!   You don’t ever need to leave the comfort of your home to get a mortgage.  NOW that’s convenience.  

Find my easy application here: click here

June 2020 - Latest Market Update


Vancouver’s Real Estate Market Remains Resilient During COVID19

Sales of homes in metro Vancouver decreased 44% from the same period as last year but saw a rise of 34% from April.  The impact on sales from Covid19 may have been temporary and it appears that buyers and sellers are adjusting to become more comfortable operating during this pandemic. Although one month doesn’t make a trend our efforts here in BC to control the virus seems to have worked.  Inventory levels continue to be below the seasonal averages and currently the total amount of homes listed for sale in metro Vancouver is 32% lower than the same period as last year and have risen only modestly from April.   Benchmark prices have been stable with a modest increase over last year.  For a detached home the benchmark price is $1,456,700.  For condos and townhomes they are $686,500 and $792,700 respectively.

The real estate market may be recovering quickly but the economic impact to businesses may not be so lucky.  Economic growth has been impacted significantly and most major economies have begun contracting and will likely be headed or are already in a recession.  Mortgage rates have dropped further since last reporting and 5 year fixed rates hoover around 2.50%.  Lower in some cases depending on the nature of the deal and the lender.  The Bank of Canada has also reduced the qualifying rate used for the stress test and now stands at 4.94%.  Borrowers that have an existing variable rate mortgage have seen the greatest benefit and the current rate for many of these customers are below 2%.  New Variable rate mortgages are being offered as low as 2.25%. The recessionary pressures on our economies will very likely keep interest rates very low.  The big question is how long these low rates will last.  Our economies may be as resilient as our real estate prices and things may roar back quicker than anticipated.  Don’t wait to consider that refinance or a real estate purchase.  Things often change quickly.  “The best time to buy a home is always five years ago.” Ray Brown

Don’t stress if the bank says no to your mortgage request as there are other options.  My alternative lenders have been very busy during these times and offer very easy approvals without the rigorous assessment of your income and other assets.  First mortgage rates can be available as low as 5.99% and second mortgages as low as 8.99%. 

Selling your home; here’s a tip:

It has been said that buyers decide in less than ten seconds of walking into a home if they are interested in buying it?   When a buyer walks into your home, what they see matters.  Don’t miss the opportunity to make a good impression.